



PestSure Blog


Paying Attention to Distracted Driving


In a recent survey from a national insurance company on perceptions and behaviors related to distracted driving, a third of business executives surveyed expect their workers to answer or participate in work-related calls while driving – and 42 percent of workers say they oblige.

Why do workers accept work calls, texts and emails while driving? Here is what survey respondents said on the topic:

  • The call might be a work-related emergency (43 percent).
  • They feel they need to always be available (39 percent).
  • They believe ignoring a call will upset their supervisor (19 percent).

The impact of taking those calls or texts is significant. According to the National Safety Council, cell phone use or texting was a factor in 13 percent of driving accidents that resulted in fatalities.

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and PestSure wants to share valuable safety information with pest control professionals on distracted driving involving two of the most commonly used technologies – cell phones and GPS.

Safe Cell Phone Usage Tips

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