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Ladder Safety Month - What is Ladder Safety?

In the next four weeks we will be posting about ladder safety includeing reminders, tools, and topics to help you focus on both work and home safe ladder use, with your teams.  Please join us by sharing the information we send and bring focus to this important topic.
Are you using ladders safely?
This free ladder safety training is a tool for the proper selection, care and safe use of all ladders, including stepladders, single and extension ladders, articulated ladders, and mobile ladders. Provided by the American Ladder Institute, this training outlines safe ladder practices in all applications, such as construction/painting, building and custodial services, warehousing, power, manufacturing, chemical and petrochemical, oil and gas, and at home.
  1. Register for FREE! The ladder safety training is 100% free. If you are a Training Manager you can register employees within your organization as well.
  2. Select A Ladder Type Choose from the American Ladder Institute’s library of safety training modules. Take a pretest to see what you know.
  3. Watch and Learn Watch media-rich training videos that demonstrate safe ladder practices.
  4. Take the Safety Test Successfully complete the final safety test to earn your certificate of completion. Share your scores with your friends or Training Manager.

Ladder 1

Please see video below regarding ladder safety from the American Ladder Institute:

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Ladder Safety Month - Week 2
Submit your 2019 injury data by March 2, 2020


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