Phishing attacks are one of the most prevalent types of cybercrimes with over 500 million phishing incidents reported in 2022. For perspective, which is over double the number of reported attacks in 2021 – and not surprisingly so, as it is one of the easiest types of scams to fall prey to.

In addition to the inconvenience and loss of trust from customers and employees, phishing attacks cost consumers and businesses $52 million in the United States in 2022.

While PestSure is known for its work educating and training pest management professionals from the daily hazards of distracted driving, ladder safety and fall protection, it also wants to make them aware of cybersecurity best practices around phishing attacks.

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month and with the ever-increasing threat of phishing attacks via email, phone, or text, PestSure wants to provide the following tips to stay one step ahead of the threat.

Tips to Avoid Phishing Attacks

Staying vigilant and being cautious are key to thwarting phishing attempts. Protection against phishing frauds starts with awareness and employees can stay one step ahead of phishing attacks by following these tips:

Verify Sender's Identity – Always double-check the sender's email address. If it looks suspicious or unfamiliar, do not open any attachments or click on links.

Think Before Clicking – Be cautious with unexpected emails, especially those urging immediate action. Hover over links to preview the URL, and only click if you are certain, it is legitimate.

Check Spelling and Grammar - Phishing emails often contain typos and grammatical errors. If an email looks unprofessional, it could be a red flag.

Use Email Filters – Make sure your organization's email system has strong spam filters in place. They can catch many phishing attempts before they reach your inbox.

Avoid Pop-Ups - Legitimate organizations usually do not ask for sensitive information through pop-up windows. If in doubt, close the pop-up and contact the company directly through official channels.

Update Security Software - Keep your antivirus and anti-malware software up to date. Regularly update your operating system and other software to patch any security vulnerabilities.

Offer Training - Provide training sessions on recognizing phishing attempts. Make employees aware of common tactics used by cybercriminals.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - Enable MFA wherever possible. Even if your credentials are compromised, MFA adds an extra layer of security.

Use Secure Connections - Avoid accessing sensitive information or clicking on links in emails when using public Wi-Fi. Use a virtual private network (VPN) for added security.

Report Suspicious Emails - Encourage employees to report any suspicious emails to the IT department immediately. Quick action can prevent potential security breaches.

PestSure – Your Partner in Safety

Founded in 1980, PestSure is the only insurance and risk management provider that is 100 percent dedicated to the pest management industry. It offers industry professionals a full suite of insurance, risk management, and safety training and education offerings.

PestSure provides insurance, safety and risk management consulting to pest management companies representing $2 billion in revenue, $750 million in payroll and more than 16,500 service vehicles. The program is administered by Alliant Insurance Services.

Call 888.984.3813 or visit our contact page for more information.